

  • Role

    Experience Design Lead

  • Website

  • Responsibilities

    • Experience Audit
    • Content Blocking
    • Sitemap Taxonomy
    • Information Architecture
    • Lo-Fidelity Sketches
    • Wireframes
    • Interactive Prototype
    • Client Presentation


Liftoff creates mobile app solutions for Marketers, Agencies, DSPs, Publishers, and Mobile Game Developers. Liftoff came to R/GA to help visually rebrand their company as well as improving the overall user experience and engagement on their website.

Site Audit


After auditing their current experience, we found that their product offerings and services were unclear, the site navigation unorganized, and page content was not tagged properly with no taxonomy or clear way to sort and filter videos, events, reports, and blog posts.

Information Architecture


The team determined to segment and organize the site content based on Liftoff's primary audience types. After restructuring their sitemap and taxonomy of pages and content, we then prioritized the key templates to start designing wireframes.

Sketches & Wireframes


My responsibility was leading the experience design team to conduct page taxonomy, sitemap IA, content blocking, wireframes, and prototypes that were presented to the client. I worked hand-in-hand with a junior experience designer as well as the visual designer to ensure our ideas and wireframes came to life in the best way possible.

Final Designs

Key Results

  • Received positive response to rebranding and redesign of website
  • Modernized their web presence with mobile-first approach and animated visuals
  • Improved site information architecture and taxonomy of pages and tags
  • Showcased their library of resources and articles to boost crediblity and thought leadership
  • Segmented their product offerings by audience types to communicate their offerings more directly

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